Young Men 18-24 get a FREE Guest Membership with a purchase of a locker or a room ALL DAY/EVERYDAY. Monday through Friday our eight hour lockers are only $10.
We have ongoing specials that we think you should know about.
There is still plenty of time to get your name in! Food and fun start 1pm. The lucky winner will receive cash and prizes worth $1,069.00. Each time you enter the Club, you can enter your name for a drawing to be held on Sept. For those who are hearing of this contest for the first time, the staff came up with a fun and exciting giveaway at the end of July and we put it into motion on August 15th. We here at Club Indianapolis view it as a reason to work harder to keep things hot! Here is what we have planned for September.ĭJ Jimmy from Greg's will be your host on Sunday September 15th when we announce the lucky winner of the WHO HAS THE KEY TO LOCKER 69? contest. With Labor Day behind us, you may be inclined to think that things are winding down for the summer.